Welcome to my AstroImage Gallery!
With the advances in digital photography and PC software,
it is no longer necessary to have 60 minute exposures and personal darkrooms to
render satisfactory images. One can now take multiple (or hundreds) of
shorter exposure digital images, then stack (combine) them on the PC with software
to give almost the same results as a long, single exposure. The user can
then use software to perform "digital darkroom" techniques that would
have taken days and $$$ in the pre-PC days. This means the amateur astrophotographer can make high quality images with less expensive equipment and
much less time.
Please adjust your monitor so that you
can see all 17 shades above.
My equipment:
- Meade 8" LX200 Classic F10 Schmidt-Cassegrain Catadioptric Reflector,
mounted on a Meade Standard Wedge
- Celestron 80ED f/7.5 refractor
- Celestron Nexstar 80 f/5 refractor
- StarlightXpress SXV-H9 CCD camera
- StarlightXpress SXV-M7 CCD camera
- True-Technologies Automatic Color Filter Wheel
- Astronomik RGB IIC color filters
- Astronomik 13nm Hydrogen Alpha filter
- Hutech IDAS Light Pollution filter
- Phillips ToUCam 840K Pro II webcam
- Orion 2X and 3X Barlow lenses
- Assorted old 35mm SLR lenses for wide field
- Meade F/6.3 Focal Reducer/Field Flattener
- Meade #1206 Electric Focuser
- Meade Flip Mirror System
- Kendrick Dew Removal System with Dew-not straps
- Canon PowerShot A70 Digital Camera *retired*
- ScopeTronix Digi-T telescope adapter *retired*
- ScopeTronix MaxView 40mm plossl Eyepiece *retired*
- Celestron Nexstar 114GT 4.5" Newtonian Reflector
*Given to my brother for his birthday*
- AstroArt 3.0 - For controlling the scope, capturing
and synthesizing images from my MX7-C
- PhotoShop 7.0
- Registax - For aligning and stacking planetary and
lunar frames from my ToUcam.
- PixInsight LE - for noise reduction of images.
- CCD Inspector - For evaluating the quality of
images, and the collimation/alignment of the scope optics.