NGC 5466

Globular Cluster in Bootes

Magnitude: 9.1,  Surface Brightness: 13.66,  Dimension: 9.2'x 9.2',  14h05m44.65s DE:+28°30'27.0"


Optics 8" LX200 Classic @ f/5.9
Mount LX200
Camera Starlight Xpress MX7-C
Filter Baader UV-Ir
Exposure 60 min. / 1,2  min. subexposures
Processing Acquired in AstroArt3, Deconvolution, DDP. , final work in Photoshop7
Date 06.06.05
Location Elk Grove, CA
Notes Seeing and transparency average.   Little wind. This cluster has a very low surface brightness, and could have used longer subexposures.