
The Great Andromeda Galaxy
image sizes:
1024 x 768
1392 x 1040


Optics Celestron 80ED @ f/7.5
Mount Losmandy G11 with Gemini
Camera Starlight Xpress SXV-H9
Filter Astronomik RGBIIc filters
Exposure L - 185 min x 5 min. unbinned, RGB - 90 min. ea. x 4 min. binned 2X
Processing Acquired in AstroArt4,DDP. , final work in Photoshop CS3
Date 11/01/07 - 11/05/07
Location Elk Grove, CA
Notes Seeing and transparency average.  I forgot to use my IDAS light pollution filter, and had nasty color gradients to deal with.